A Guide to Understanding Who Can Live With You on Section 8?

The program provides rental assistance to low-income families so they can afford safe, decent, and affordable housing. When you participate in section 8, you are allowed to live in a house or apartment of your choice and the voucher helps pay your rent. But who is eligible to live with you on section 8? Generally, the following people can live with you on section 8:

  • Your immediate family members: Generally, immediate family members include your spouse, children and any other relatives who are dependent on you for support.
  • Other eligible family members: Some housing authorities allow other family members, such as grandparents or adult siblings to live with you on section 8 as long as they meet the program’s income and eligibility requirements.
  • Non-family members: Some housing authorities may also allow non-family members to live with you on section 8 as long as they meet the program’s income and eligibility requirements.
Who Can Live With You on Section 8

It’s important to note that not all housing authorities have the same policies regarding who can live with you on section 8. You should check with your local housing authority for specific information on their policies.

Who Can Live With You on Section 8? Requirements

If you’re eligible to receive section 8, you may be able to bring family and friends with you, as long as they also meet the program’s income and eligibility requirements. It’s important to remember that the voucher will only cover the rent you pay for the unit you and your household occupy.

When you apply for the section 8 program, you will need to list all household members in the application, including those who are not eligible for the program. This information is important because if the housing authority finds out that your household includes a family member who is not eligible for the program, you may be denied assistance.

If you’re approved for the section 8 program, you will be required to sign an occupancy agreement with your landlord that outlines who is allowed to live in the unit. It’s important to remember that if you’re living with someone who is not eligible for the program, they must not be listed on the lease and they must not be listed as a tenant.

Living with family and friends on section 8 can be a great way to reduce your housing costs and provide support for your family. However, it’s important to remember that not all housing authorities have the same policies regarding who can live with you on section 8. Be sure to check with your local housing authority for specific information on their policies. You can also add someone to your section 8 voucher, this is the benefit for section 8 tenants who want to add someone to their voucher.

What Is the Section 8 Rules for Guests and Visitors?

Have you ever wanted to invite a friend or family member to stay with you for an extended period of time? If so, it’s important to notify your local housing authority.

In order to make sure that your guests are allowed to stay, you’ll need to follow a few steps. Here’s what you need to know about how to notify the housing authority:

1. Notify the Housing Authority

You must inform your local housing authority if you are expecting visitors or guests to stay with you on section 8 for an extended period of time. This can usually be done by submitting a written request or by contacting your case manager.

2. Provide Necessary Documentation

You’ll need to provide the housing authority with certain documentation, such as proof of the guests or visitors identity and relationship to you if required by the housing authority.

3. Attend an Interview

The section 8 housing authority may require you and the guest or visitor to attend an interview to discuss the visit and to verify the information provided.

4. Limited Time

Guests and visitors are typically allowed to stay for a limited period of time, usually 21 days or less.

5. No Change of Tenancy

Visitors or guests are not allowed to move in as permanent residents, or to change the tenancy unless they are added to the lease and the housing authority approves the addition.

6. Follow the Lease Agreement

Guests or visitors must comply with the lease agreement and the terms of the tenancy.

7. Guests Not Disturb the Peaceful Enjoyment of Other Tenants:

Visitors or guests shall not engage in any behavior that would disturb the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants and will be asked to leave if found doing so.

8. Wait for Approval

After submitting all the necessary documentation and completing the interview, the housing authority will review your request and make a decision on whether to approve the visit.

If you’re planning on inviting someone to stay with you, it’s important to understand these seven steps. Following these steps will ensure that you and your guest are able to stay legally and without issue.

Before you start the process, it’s important to make sure that you understand the rules and regulations of your particular housing authority. It’s also a good idea to contact your case manager to make sure that you’re following the correct procedures.

Once you have notified the housing authority and have followed the necessary steps, you can rest assured that your guest or visitor will be able to stay for the amount of time agreed upon. This means that you can enjoy your time together without worrying about the legalities of the situation.


Who can live with me on Section 8?

All persons who are members of your family and meet the eligibility requirements for the Section 8 program can live with you on Section 8. This includes your spouse, children, parents, foster children, and any other relatives who are part of your household.

What happens if I get married while on Section 8?

If you get married while on Section 8, your household size and income will be reassessed. Depending on the new household size and income, you may be eligible for a higher level of assistance or may no longer qualify for Section 8.

What happens if I get married while on Section 8?

Your household size will increase, and you will be required to report this change to your local Public Housing Agency (PHA). Your household income will also be reassessed, which may result in an increase or decrease in your rental assistance.

Can I keep my Section 8 voucher if I get married?

Yes, you can keep your voucher if you get married. However, you will need to report your new marital status and the new household income to your local PHA in order to maintain your rental assistance.

Can my spouse and children live with me on Section 8?

Yes, your spouse and any dependent children can live with you on Section 8. However, you will need to report any changes in the household composition to your local PHA.

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